Notice of Proposed Technical Official Plan Amendment and Proposed Technical Zoning By-Law Amendment 

File Nos. OPA 2023-02 and Z-2023-06
Roll Number: 5627-050-060-00509

TAKE NOTICE that the City of Timmins will undertake a refinement to Schedule C1 –Natural and Human-made Hazards of the City of Timmins Official Plan and Schedule 14 of the City of Timmins Zoning By-law 2011-7100, as per Section 4.14.1 of the City of Timmins Official Plan.

On November 28, 2019, the Mattagami Region Conversation Authority (MRCA) adopted updated flood plain mapping for the City of Timmins. The updated flood plain mapping identifies a portion of the subject lands that was previously in the flood plain as being reduced.

THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed technical amendment to the City of Timmins Official Plan is to allow for a refinement to Schedule C1 – Natural and Human-made Hazards of the City of Timmins Official Plan, specifically the regulatory flood line identified on the subject lands. The regulatory flood line that runs through the subject lands was approved as part of the City of Timmins Official Plan in 2010. The City of Timmins utilizes the MRCA flood plain mapping to identify flooding hazards in the Official Plan. The 2019 updated flood plain mapping identifies the subject lands as having a portion of the subject lands, that was previously in the flood plain, as being reduced.

THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed technical amendment to the City of Timmins Zoning By-Law 2011-7100, as amended, is as follows: Schedule 14 identifies a portion of the subject lands as being located in the Hazard Lands (RD-HAZ) zone. With the updated 2019 flood plain mapping, the portion of the subject lands that is in the flood plain has been reduced. The lands that are no longer in the flood plain will be zoned as Residential First Density (NA-R1), in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the City’s Zoning By-law and the existing land use on the remainder of the property.

The subject lands that are affected are located on Murray Street, consisting of one property:

• Tisdale Concession 3, Part of Broken Lot 11, Registered Plan 6R-8369, Part 1

As per Section 4.14.1 of City of Timmins Official Plan, notification to and consultation with the public is not required for technical amendments, however, notice of the proposed amendment are to be published in the newspaper and posted on the City of Timmins Website.

Additional information relating to the proposed technical Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment is available by contacting the Planning Division, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 1B3, telephone number 705-360-2624 or via email.

Dated at the City of Timmins this 14th day of September, 2023.

Murray Street Property Location Map


Posted by David St.Onge On 9/14/2023 at 3:02 PM  

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