Ride Timmins Transit for Free on Earth Day! 

Timmins Transit is continuing an Earth Day tradition … free bus rides on Monday, April 22.

Helping our planet can be as simple as choosing public transportation. Riding the bus can help lower our greenhouse gas emissions and conserve energy and fuel by reducing the number of private vehicles on the road.

But the benefits of public transportation do not stop there.

Did you know?

  • Public transit makes our roads safer. Transit operators generally have more driver training, drive at lower speeds, and avoid high-risk driving situations.
  • Public transit reduces traffic congestion. This is particularly helpful during busy road construction and maintenance months.
  • Public transit can increase your physical activity. A bus ride often starts and ends with some form of activity (like walking) to and from the bus stop.

On Monday, April 22 ride the bus for planet earth! It’s free and it’ll give the environment a break. Where will you go?

Posted by Amanda Dyer On 4/18/2024 at 11:43 AM  

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