**UPDATE** Catch Basin and Storm Sewer Repair - Theriault Blvd. 

Contractors will be completing catch basin and storm sewer repairs at the Theriault Blvd. and Jubilee Ave. W. intersection July 8 - July 17, 2024. 

Work is organized in two stages with the following traffic controls:

July 8-12: Right merge ramp off Airport Rd. onto Theriault Blvd. is closed to traffic. Motorists turn right at traffic lights onto Theriault Blvd. Theriault Blvd. will remain open.

July 15-17Theriault Blvd. closed between Jubilee Ave. W. and Vimy Ave. Local traffic only including access to the Sportsplex Pool. Right merge ramp eastbound from Theriault Blvd. to Jubilee Ave. W. closed to traffic. Right merge ramp southbound off Airport Rd. onto Theriault is closed to traffic. No left turns from Jubilee Ave. W. onto Theriault Blvd.

We appreciate your cooperation while we work to update important infrastructure.

Posted by Amanda Dyer On 7/9/2024 at 10:18 AM  

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