
Staff are responsible for the following key areas:

1. Ontario Building Code Administration

The Building Division is responsible for ensuring that all applicable development in the City occurs in accordance with the OBC and the City’s Building By-law. Permits are required for all new construction (with some restrictions like small sheds, residential roof shingling, minor renovations, etc.) relating to residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses in addition to related construction works like plumbing. Permits are also required for demolition work.

i) Plans Examination – Staff are responsible for receiving and processing building permit applications. An important aspect of this processing component is plans examination, which is done to ensure that the various aspects of construction shown in the plans meet the requirements of the OBC and associated guidelines.

ii) Site Inspections – Once the building plans are reviewed and approved, a permit is issued and construction is permitted to commence. The Department is then responsible for conducting routine detailed site inspections of approved developments to ensure that construction is occurring in compliance with the approved plans.

iii) Enforcement – In cases where non-compliance issues are found during the construction phases, corrective action needs to be taken. This is typically achieved through issuing various orders that authorize the halting of construction and/or require other corrective action to take place. In extreme cases, where the applicant does not follow, or refuses to follow, OBC requirements, the applicant is subject to prosecution through the court system.

2. Property Standards By-law Administration

The Building Department is also responsible for administering the City’s property standards by-law as it relates to structures. The purpose of this by-law is to ensure that properties and associated structures are maintained in a manner that safeguards the health and safety of local residents.

3. Public Education

The Division is committed to organizing and hosting semi-annual public education seminars in order to disseminate important information and to provide training on matters relating to the Ontario Building Code Act, guidelines and other related information that may impact upon local residents, contractors and other professionals.