Planning staff are responsible for the following key areas:
1. Current Planning
2. Long-range Planning
3. Municipal Real Estate and Land Inventory
4. Community Improvement Grant Program
5. Secondary Dwelling Units
Current Planning pertains to the day-to-day activities associated with any Planning Department in the province as required under the Ontario Planning Act. These activities include dealing with public inquiries, completing property information requests and zoning confirmations, reviewing building permits, processing official plan amendments, rezoning requests, subdivision/condominium applications, site plan control applications, commenting on minor variance and consent proposals. Other responsibilities include preparing various development agreements relating to subdivisions and site plans and making representation at Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearings.
Long-range Planning relates to projects that help to guide growth and development of the municipality over the longer terms (10 to 15 years). Examples of long range planning projects include updating the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, conducting a Plan of Development Study, and developing and implementing a Community Improvement Plan.
The Division is responsible for managing the acquisition of land required for municipal purposes as well as the disposal of land that is no longer required for municipal purposes. Planning is also responsible for managing a database of the City’s Land Use Inventory.
The Division is responsible for administering the the Community Improvement Program where grants are awarded for businesses, building owners, tenants and not-for-profit groups in designated parts of Mountjoy, Downtown Timmins, Schumacher, South Porcupine and Porcupine to stimulate improvements and new development. Grants up to $15,000 per property are available for façade improvements, and building improvement grants (for additions or upper floor residential conversions). The Division also implements the Tax Increment Rebate program regarding tax incentive rebates for development projects in excess of $500,000 within designated parts of the City. Lastly, the Safety Improvement Grant provides a grant for safety upgrades covering 75% of the upgrade costs (to a maximum of $7,500.00) to any commercial, industrial, or institutional property within the CIty of Timmins.
Secondary dwelling units are self-contained residential units, located on the same lot as the primary dwelling, with their own kitchen, bathroom and living area. Up to three dwelling units are allowed on a lot that is located in a serviced residential area, subject to a parking provision of one space per unit.
Property owners applying for secondary dwelling units are not required to apply for a re-zoning of their property. However, they must still go through the necessary building permit application and approval process to ensure that both the principal dwelling and secondary units are legally compliant, safe, and provide a health living environment.
For more information:
Call Service Timmins at 705-264-1331
Email Building & Planning at [email protected]