Maintenance and Repair

Road Repairs

During the summer and fall, the City's Public Works Dept. makes repairs to pavement and potholes using hot mix asphalt. During the spring and winter, when the local asphalt plant is closed, Public Works uses a temporary high-performance cold mix to make pavement repairs.

Rural gravel roads are maintained with regular grading and resurfacing and dust suppressant is applied as needed. 

Sidewalk and Curb Repairs

Sidewalk and curb repairs are carried out each year based on needs identified by inspection patrols. An annual inspection is carried out to identify trip hazards. Any hazards greater than 2 cm is painted with orange paint and put on a list to be ground down.

Bridge Maintenance

Municipal bridges requiring minor repairs as identified by patrols or Engineering inspections are undertaken by Public Works. Major work is contracted out according to the City’s tendering and/or proposal policy.


Gravel lane-ways are graded one to two times a year as required and brushing of over grown shrubs takes place late summer and into the fall.

Year-Round and Seasonal Reduced Load Restrictions

Load restrictions have been placed on specific roads year-round, or are placed seasonally to protect roads that may be weakened by excess water in the road base, which makes them susceptible to damage from heavy vehicles. Once Public Works determines that the roads are structurally sound, the seasonal road restrictions are lifted.

Year-round Restriction By-Law 2022-8708

Seasonal Half Load Restriction By-Law 2006-6275